
oh, heavenly days.

Lord, redeem our vision of Heaven! "One of the greatest things about Heaven is that we'll no longer have to battle our desires." Tom and Jerry need no longer define our image of Heaven!

be satisfied, part 1

This is my first post in a series of three that will briefly address a few thoughts I have gathered in my <2 years of marriage. Someone gave me the following prose on a single sheet of paper, typed in…

fears of the everyday.

I’ll speak for myself. Fear is always in me, in some form or fashion. Where am I going? Who will I meet? What will I do? How will I do it? And these are not deep fears of a vast,…

And if our God is for us….

“He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.” Proverbs 14:26 Some people have stated that “fear not” or any of its derivatives are found 365ish times in the Bible. Others…