

i’m here.

i'm here
I'm here. I realize these moments won't always be here. I know that you won't always need me---or want me. I know that these are times that will only happen once and never happen again.

hey, little girl…

so much to tell you
Hey, little girl... It's November 2, 2017. I'm on a flight from Atlanta home to Jackson, MS. I'm listening to the song "Life" by Sleeping At Last on repeat. It has made me think of the big picture of you as our child and me as your father. One day you will look back, as I have, and say, "was my father a good father?" It makes me consider my legacy and what I'm leaving behind... You.

the sick need a doctor.

I think we see lost people around us... and we're hopeless. We believe that Jesus can heal someone from an addiction to meth, but it probably won't happen.

broken christians.

We put on a facade of perfection... "Come to Jesus and you will be perfect and no longer have any problems or struggles." This is why people avoid the church... because they don't belong in perfect-people church. We would rather maintain our image of perfection than, in humility and honesty, meet the lost and the broken where they are.

my man, Dan.

As I was heading home I just prayed for some opportunity to love someone and speak the Gospel. My wife was out of town, so I wasn't in a hurry to get home. I didn't know how this would happen, I just prayed it and believed it.